Adam D. Tihany: The architecture of music

  • booster-adam-d-tihany-credit richard-perry

    Adam D. Tihany:
    The architecture of music

Booster Blog

adam d. tihany

In previous articles we have explored the unequalled extravagance of the ms Koningsdam. From microgreens grown and served in a culinary arts center, to superb shapes throughout the ship’s interior, the cruise ship offers a unique experience.

The man behind this experience is Adam D. Tihany, the internationally acclaimed hospitality designer and founder of Tihany Design. Core elements of his style and method reverberate through every piece of this tantalizing puzzle. As a master in the field, he narrows the key to a successful design down to a ‘sense of discovery’. Every aspect of the design should exceed the observer’s expectations. In striving for this, he hopes to forge truly unforgettable memories in the minds of travelers.  

One of the means by which he does this is to create spaces that actively engage the guest. Equipped in his toolbox are an array of fascinating techniques. For instance, the culinary arts center is a restaurant as well as a cooking school. With a totally open plan and veggies grown in site of the guests, it creates an intimate, yet relaxed atmosphere of inclusion.

Another tool at Tihany’s disposal is of course architecture.  He uses powerful architectural elements to create spaces that breathe character.

On board the Koningsdam, for instance, he uses curvaceous pillars in a dining area that draw the eye upwards to the high ceiling. This creates the sensation of sitting in a very large room.

Tihany believes that design should follow a theme, much like an album or a film does. To find the theme of this project, Tihany gathered all of his designers and brainstormed for a possible theme to link up all of the venues on the ship. The outcome was the Architecture of Music. 

The Architecture of Music quite literally follows the shapes of music. The concept for the concert hall was born out of a designer filming the inside of a violin. Thus, the Queen’s Lounge concert hall resembles the inside of a musical instrument. The shape of the atrium is inspired by a harp, with strings and curves containing the circular space.

Whilst these influences are subtle, Tihany crafts these designs in the hopes that people will individually discover the spaces and, thus, engage with their surroundings in a way that creates a unique and memorable experience.

Tihany’s approach gives the Koningsdam an interior like no other. Consequently, this gives the guest an experience like no other, which is surely something that every interior designer strives for (when it comes to large scale hospitality projects). Tihany continues to present the significance and power of interior design. 

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